Servicing the Community since 1969

Welcome to Coryell City Water Supply District

Coryell City Water Supply District serves quality potable water to customers in Coryell City, Crawford, Turnersville, Jonesboro, Levita, Pancake, Osage, and their surrounding areas. The water district spans approximately 1200 square miles in McLennan, Hamilton, Bosque and Coryell counties.

Coryell City Water Supply District is Texas Commission on Environmental Quality certified and members of Texas Water Utilities Associations and Texas Rural Water Association.

Mission Statement:

Coryell City Water Supply District's mission is to provide potable water to customers in McLennan, Hamilton, Bosque and Coryell counties.

Board Agenda:



President Travis Nolte, Vice-president Justin Latham, Secretary Edna Mae Westerfeld, Randy Johnson, Carroll Hemphill, Dewayne Bates, Jerry Gauer, Josh Young, Billy Martin. Other attendees are General Manager; Joe Jones, Office Manager; Heather Minonno, Field Manager; Hunter Derrick, Not Present:




  1. Call to Order.
  2. Establish a Quorum. 6
  3. Members present in person were President Travis Nolte, Vice-President Justin Latham, Secretary Edna Mae Westerfeld, Randy Johnson, Carroll Hemphill, Dewayne Bates, Jerry Gauer, Billy Martin, Josh Young. Other attendees in person were, General Manager; Joe Jones, Office Manager; Heather Minonno, Field Manager; Hunter Derrick, Lawyer Charlie Buenger.
  4. Not Present;
  5. Guests;
  6. Invocation;
  7. Verification of proper posting of meeting notice.
  8. Discuss and/or take action to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on Jan 16th 2025 & Special meeting 02/13/25
  9. Public Comments – 3 minutes
  10. Discuss and/or take action to approve the JAN 2025 financial P&L reports.
  11. Discuss and/or take action on Update on Investments.
  12. General Managers Report.
  13. Water loss;
  14. Project Status; - Progress on plants, Engineers Report
  15. Operations Report; - $3.5 mil loan update
  16. Land Acquisition Updates; (Travis)
  17. Construction Committee Updates; (Travis, Justin, Josh)
  18. Discuss and/or take action to add board member compensation for committees
  19. Discuss and/or take action Project Dollars & Maintenance lines
  20. Discuss and/or take action to add Justin Latham to bank accounts as signer
  21. Discuss and/or take action on meter reinstall fees
  22. Discuss and/or take action to approve Hit Line Fees
  23. Discuss and/or take action on Ag meters
  24. Discuss and/or take action: Presiding officer motion to suspend open session and move into a closed session for discussions in Executive Meeting, Per; Article 6252-17 section (f)
  25. Announcements: Next Meeting March 20th 2025
  26. Adjournment:



Board Meeting February 20th 6:30pm
9440 FM 929 Gatesville, TX, United States, Texas

Office Holidays, February 17th 2025


At this time, we will be unable to accept credit cards over the phone, please use the payment link above.

The directors of the Coryell City Water Supply District Called for special session 12/20/24 Emergency declaration on order regarding TCEQ enforcement and moving forward with submitting an application for funding through TWDB

Important System Enhancements: Significant system enhancements to enhance your customer experience from our NEW link on our website online at under Pay bill. Service fee has gone down from 3.5% to 2.95%.

Online you can now make a one-time payment directly out of your checking account for $1.95 ONLINE only.

All Water Bills are due by Close of business on 15th each month.

Important changes for this billing cycle: Direct Debit from Checking or Savings accounts will occur on the 20th, and credit cards (once you’ve created a NEW account online) will also be charged on the 20th. We regret that we cannot accept credit card payments over the phone or in office. Thank you for your cooperation! Remember to review your bill amount before the 15th each month and reach out if you have any concerns.

*Online BillPay; All Credit cards to be paid online at;

Announcements: -Starting January 2025 water rates will increase by .50 per thousand, Monthly Meter base rate $65.00+. New Meters start at $5180.00 w/ Deposit and easement.


“The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) recently notified the Coryell City Water Supply District (CCWSD) in Texas (TX 0500013) of a violation related to lead and copper monitoring and reporting. The violation occurred due to the district’s failure to complete all required initial and routine tap monitoring for lead and copper during the period from January 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024.

However, CCWSD is currently taking all the necessary samples within the new timeframe. Although this was not an emergency situation, as valued customers, you have the right to be informed about what transpired and the corrective actions being taken by CCWSD to address this issue.”


Subject: Important Update - Transition to New Billing System

We hope this letter finds you well. At the Coryell City Water Supply District, Texas, we are always striving to improve our services and offer you the most efficient and user-friendly experience. With this commitment in mind, we are excited to announce that we will be transitioning to a new billing software system in June 2024.

What This Means for You

While we are committed to making this transition as smooth as possible, it will require your action to continue enjoying uninterrupted services. Specifically, if you are currently enrolled in our Credit Card Auto Pay system, we need you to re-enroll as soon as you get this to our new system in place at under Pay Bill. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Current Auto Pay Enrollment: Your current Auto Pay enrollment will become inactive as of May 31 2024.
  2. Re-enrollment Required: For bills due in June 2024 and onwards, you will need to enroll in Auto Pay in our new system.
  3. Simple and Secure Process:  detailed instructions on how to re-enroll, ensuring a straightforward and secure process.
  4. Information Required: To register for Auto Pay in our new payments system, you will simply need your property address and email in addition to your payment method information.

Stay Informed

We will keep you updated on our transition, in the meantime, please make sure your contact information is up to date so you can receive all important notifications.

Our Commitment to You

We understand that changes like these can be inconvenient, and we are here to help. Our customer service team is ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about this transition. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to enhance our billing services. We value your trust and are excited to bring you a better, more efficient billing experience.

Keep an eye out for further announcements regarding these exciting changes!

BRA Drought Warning update:  05/16/24

Termination of Stage 1. Due to significant rainfall in the Brazos River basin led to the Brazos River Authority lifting drought status for Lake Belton and the Stillhouse Hollow-Lake Georgetown subsystem. This change permits associated cities, industries, and agricultural users to modify or lift their water use restrictions. Coryell City Water Supply District and the BRA continue to support water conservation practices.

-Overall efforts should also be made to conserve water.  If you have any questions, please contact our office.


Coryell City Water Supply District had a rate study completed by Oller Engineering, Due to extreme operating cost increases, including upcoming increases of the districts purchase water from the City of Gatesville, and costs of water rights from the Brazos River Authority, the Board of Directors for CCWSD voted to increase service rates effective January 2025. The rate will increase by $.50 per thousand gallons in each tier. The directors also voted to increase the monthly base rate to $65.00. (See below for new rates) If you have any additional questions, please contact our office. $65 per month is your basic service connection fee, which does not include any water usage. Water is then billed out at:

0 - 5,000 gallons $7.00 per thousand
5,001 – 10,000 gallons $8.00 per thousand
10,001 – 15,000 gallons $9.00 per thousand
15,001 – 25,000 gallons $10.00 per thousand
25,001 – 40,000 gallons $11.00 per thousand
40,001 plus gallons $12.50 per thousand
2025 $65.00 base rate

2023 Annual Drinking Water Report
is available at the water office and online. Click for Annual Drinking Water Report (PDF).

Please notify CCWSD office with any contact information changes at (254) 865-6089

Office Location & Hours:

9440 FM 929 (in the community of Coryell City)
Gatesville, Texas 76528
Phone: (254) 865-6089
Fax: (254) 865-0148
Our office hours are Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm
Click to Email Us!

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